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#ETS EXCLUSIVE: Brooklynn Pitts On Celebrating Black Hair

One superstar that is bringing Black culture to the forefront of the entertainment industry is none other than Brooklynn Pitts!

From singing, acting, and dancing, Brooklyn is only getting started when it comes to making a name for herself and being an inspiration for young black girls.

In celebration of our All Hair Is Good Hair Collection, we spoke with Brooklynn about her natural hair and her rising stardom.

#ETS: How would you personally describe your fashion sense?

Brooklynn: "I love to go back in time with my fashion. I love the 70s and the 90s. So you may catch me in some bell bottoms one day, then maybe some baggy overalls the next."

#ETS: What is your go-to fashion essential (for example. Sunglasses, bold jacket, etc.)

Brooklynn: "My go-to fashion essentials would have to be my bell bottoms."

#ETS: How important do you think it is for young Black girls to embrace their natural hair?

Brooklynn: "I feel like it is so important for Black girls to embrace their natural hair as it promotes self-acceptance and celebrates their unique beauty. For too long, societal beauty standards have disregarded natural Black hair. Young Black girls can gain a sense of confidence and pride in their cultural identity while
challenging toxic beauty standards."

#ETS: What is your personal favorite hairstyle that you use?

Brooklynn: "My favorite hairstyle would have to be my fro. I love how I can just walk around and be free."

#ETS: How important do you think it is to support black-owned businesses?

Brooklynn: "By choosing to support black-owned businesses, individuals can help create a more diverse and fair economy."

#ETS: What are your future goals for your career?

Brooklynn: "My future goals are to keep pursuing singing dancing and tap more into acting."

 Make sure to follow Brooklynn (@iambrooklynnpitts) and #EndTheStereotypes (@endthestereotypes_) on Instagram!

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